What if the host doesn't show up?

We know it can be disappointing if you show up ready for your tarot session and the host is unexpectedly absent. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Try contacting the host

You can find your host’s email address on the booking confirmation. Send them a quick note checking if everything is ok, or if they’d like to reschedule. Sometimes things come up by surprise, and it’s nice to give the benefit of the doubt.

  1. Wait 15 minutes

Hopefully they should contact you first, but you can give your host a bit of time in case they are running slightly late or experienced a technical glitch. We've all run 15 minutes late before!

  1. Reschedule a session.

If the host responds to your email or suggests rescheduling, you can coordinate a new time directly via email. Since the payment has already been processed and you have the room link, there's no need to rebook through the platform. Your session details will not reflect the updated time.

  1. Can’t reschedule? Request a refund through Moonlight

If you don’t receive an explanation or you’re unable to reschedule, you’re entitled to your money back. Simply email us at bookings@moonlight.world, share what happened, and we can process a fast refund. The host agrees to delivering sessions as booked and we uphold this standard.

5. Explore other professionals

One missed connection isn’t the end! Sometimes things come up. Browse more talented readers and teachers in our professional community and find someone else whose vibe resonates.

We aim for sessions here to meet expectations and be fulfilling for both guests and hosts. Reach out anytime ― we’re here to help!

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